I've started measuring time in units of "She Sends Kisses" by The Wrens. The Alexandra Arms, for example, is 1.3 She Sends Kisses' walk from my house. The working day is about 98 She Sends Kisses, assuming I don't listen to it during my 10 minute lunch hour. I've had the album it's from (The Meadowlands) for about a year, but for some reason hadn't noticed how good it is - I think because I couldn't really understand what the words were (I almost cried when I finally looked them up). It really is very good.
The not drinking thing is still on course - I even managed an entire 5.30-1.30 night out on Friday drinking only orange juice and lemonade. It was pretty tough watching everyone else get their beers just before we got our dinner but I survived. I'm still using virtually all my new-found energy cleaning, tidying up and throwing things away (and honing my blackjack skills). Feels weird but good. I've made a fairly long "things I need to do to sort my life out" list and I'm making myself do at least one thing a day. Yesterday's task was taking all the carrier bags that were slowly rotting in my kitchen to the recycling thing at Tesco. Tesco had thoughtfully roped off the entire area it's in because someone was painting a tiny sign vaguely nearby so I ended up just throwing them away anyway. Don't blame me if the world ends. I tried though, so I ticked it off. God, I'm lonely.
I'm giving myself the night off not drinking on Saturday because it's my first gig playing keys for The Travis Waltons (the practices have been sounding HUGE) and (as I proved once again at The Cornerhouse the other night by forgetting the words to Edinburgh because I was too clear headed and started thinking about how I hardly ever forget words instead of about what the words are) playing while completely sober is not a viable option. I'm looking forward to it gig quite a lot, although I think we may be slightly out of place on a fairly angry sounding bill. Still, if you're stuck for something to do in Cambridge on Saturday...
The recording I was on about last week hasn't progressed any, but I can't wait for it to be finished so I can get on with some stuff that I think might be quite good. Though actually, I do seem to like listening to these songs too. Maybe I'll do some tonight. If only there wasn't 3 hours of CSI on Channel 5. Why is there so much CSI? It's amazing anyone ever gets anything done.